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Services Details

We offer bone, chest, abdominal, and dental X-rays

Radiographs, commonly called X-rays, are medical images taken with invisible beams of radiation that create a picture on film, based on the different densities of the body’s structures. X-rays give a low dose of radiation and are limited to the area of interest, making this an extremely safe diagnostic tool to evaluate many parts of the body.

Expert radiologists at wellcare review and interpret your X-rays to diagnose a variety of different conditions, including:

Arthritis, bone cancer, bowel obstruction, broken bones, emphysema,gallstones, joint dislocations, kidney stones, lung cancer, pneumonia and tuberculosis etc.

Preparing for an X-ray

When you book your appointment, please tell our office staff if there is a possibility that you are pregnant. Please bring your prescription and any previous imaging reports, films, or CD-ROMs from tests including X-ray, MRI scans, and CT scans, if available.
Appointments are required for:
Arthrogram, barium enema,“Hypaque enema” for colostomy closure,esophogram or barium swallow test, hysterosalpingogram, intravenous pyelogram (IVP), skeletal survey, small bowel study, upper GI or upper GI with small bowel, cystogram and voiding cystourethrogram.

Several of the above examinations require certain pre-test preparation, including:

  • Barium enema: Requires bowel preparation 24 hours prior to the study.
  • Upper GI, upper GI with small bowel, and small bowel series: Nothing by mouth for 12 hours prior to study. However, you can take your medications with as little water as possible.
  • Esophagram: No preparation necessary, although it is preferred that you do not eat solid food for three hours before the study.
  • IVP, cystogram, voiding cystourethrogram: No preparation necessary, although it is preferred that you do not eat solid food for three hours before study.

No preparation is required for a skeletal survey or arthrogram. For hysterosalpingogram, patients should abstain from intercourse from the time that menstruation ends, and the test should be scheduled on day 5 to 10 after bleeding ceases.


Tags: Lab, Gynecology, Radiology